0762012140 av Mobiltelefoner

Typ av samtal: Telefontrakasseri
Namn: okänt (2)
Recensioner: 2
Sökningar: 250
Bedömning: mycket opålitlig, inte svara, notera kommentarer!
Senaste kommentar (2024-11-19 12:02)

Aggie skrev: Today I received a call from the said number, from a guy named David, he spoke russian, mentioning f... alla betyg

Detaljer om telefonnumret

Riktnummer : Mobiltelefoner - Sverige
Telefonnummer: +4676-2012140
Numret +46762012140 från Mobiltelefoner värderades 2 gånger som Telefontrakasseri.

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Topp-Sökningar: Plats 2 - mest ville
Senaste samtalet: 2024-11-26
Månadssökningar: 72
tellows skydd:
Den svarta listan används av appar och telefoner för att upptäcka och blockera oönskade samtal. Ytterligare nummer: 0611344200 020222222 0707775600 +46766924275 +393492278032
Sökningar är växer och de distribueras mer frekvent på vardagar

tellows Score för +46762012140

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Typ av samtal:
2 rapporter
2 rapporter
Numret +46762012140 från Mobiltelefoner  värderades 2 gånger som Telefontrakasseri: Today I received a call from the said nu... 250 sökningar på tellows, det största communityt för telefonnummer

Vem ringer med 0762012140?

  1. 0

    Aggie rapporterade okänt med nummer ‎+46762012140 som Telefontrakasseri

    2024-11-19 12:02

    Today I received a call from the said number, from a guy named David, he spoke russian, mentioning fcifinance. He said I have opened some crypto acc on my phone number on some platform thay got compromised and they were compromised for selling the customers derails to third parties and some other shady stuff and I need to close that acc to protect myself. They couldn't tell me which platform that was. He then passed my contact details to some woman, also speaking in russian. She said the same and asked me if I use whatsapp or telegram and that we should contact òn there so she can help me close the acc correctly and that I would have to contact some blockchain provider for more detail. Apparently my husband and his friend bith have received such calls before too. I hang up on her and she tried to call me another 6 times, I answered the phone and told her not to call me and she said I will be called again anyway. I hang up and she didn't call me anymore.

  2. 0

    Scam Destroyer rapporterade okänt med nummer ‎0762012140 som Telefontrakasseri

    2024-10-24 10:18

    Initially called from this number +37258588733. Caller tried to convince that receiver registered on some shady investment website and their account got compromised, although receiver did not register anywhere. After dropping the call he called again from number in question (+46762012140) and continued to harass the receiver. Avoid this scammer at all costs

Nytt betyg till 0762012140

Jag vill bli underrättad om det finns nyheter om detta nummer.

Ska jag lämna en recension?
Du fick samtal från detta nummer och vet någonting mer om den som ringde, så är svaret ja!
Ditt betyg visar offentligt telefonnumret och den som ringer i vår katalog. Detta försäkrar att oönskade samtal förblir ett minne blått. Mer om tellows.
Mest sökta telefonnummer i 076 (Mobiltelefoner )
Möjliga skrivningar av numret 0762012140
‎+46 762012140